Do I Have to Detox? I Don’t Have Buildup On My Hair.
To spare you the boring scientific details behind why you need to detox, let’s just get straight to the point and what matters most to you:
The short answer is, YES. YES, you need a detox.
Is your hair dry and brittle?
Do you want hydrated hair?
If you use water, you have buildup.
How will this improve your life?
It will make styling easier.
Your hair will velcro less.
It will impart shine and manageability.
You will have shorter in-salon times.
It will decrease drying time.
Products will actually work.
You will save money because you will use less products.
You will experience far less damage.
Will a detox help you achieve your goals?
That depends on your goals. If you want your hair to be healthy and hydrated, YES. If you want your hair to be easier to manage, YES. If you want to have shorter wash days, YES.
How will this solve your problem?
After experiencing hundreds of curlfriends worldwide, the number one issue curlfriends are facing is dry, brittle, hair that is hard to manage. An in-salon mineral and buildup remover would clear the path to hydrated, easier to manage hair. The rest is up to your hair care routine and habits.
Why should you care?
If you hadn’t had a detox in 3 months:
You want easier to manage hair. Just add more patience to your hair care routine.
You want to be in and out at your salon visit. You can cancel your afternoon plans after your salon appointment, and pipe your expectations all the way down.
Heat damage. It’s not the stylist fault you have metal ions from hard water attached to your hair.
Matted hair isn’t fun. Hope you’re not tenderheaded.
You want healthier hair. Expect perpetual damage with your hair not being able to get the hydration it needs because it’s encumbered with soap scum.
Whether you spent time, money, or energy, you want it to look like you put in the effort. Expect your style to not last.
If you had not had an in-salon mineral buildup remover in more than 5 months, and you book an appointment without adding a detox, it will be a waste of time, money, and energy. Here’s what you can expect:
Longer salon appointment.
Hair that velcro when wet. Every time the stylist has to part, more time will be spent on pulling apart the velcro, causing more damage to the already damaged cuticle.
Hair taking too long to dry. Blow drying takes twice as long.
Won’t hold a curl if flat-ironed. Loss of texture.
Can you see those puffy, inflated areas?
That’s cuticular damage.
This is what damage looks like.
Since you want to walk out of the salon looking as if you just walked out of the salon, remember, your result = your stylist’s skills + what you bring to the salon. If you want the results you seek, and shorter in-salon times, removing buildup is required.
Hope this helps to set your expectations. After all, unrealistic expectations create realistic disappointments.
If you would like to learn the science behind the hows and whys, you can book a new client service, or take a virtual workshop. The SeeSomeCurls digital library is also a great resource for education.
Download the Wash Hour Resource Guide to get you on the path to hydrated hair.
Good luck in your hair care journey!